Practice does not work with all companies

På Practise jobbar vi med samhällets bästa för ögonen och strävar efter att göra gott tillsammans med våra kunder. Därför gör vi en etisk bedömning inför varje uppdrag och tackar bara ja till uppdrag som vi kan stå för fullt ut.

One of our most important tasks is to create safer and better equipped organizations. An assignment that also includes well-being and health in the workplace. In addition, we want to protect a good environment. We strive to pull our straw to the pile and want our clients to be of the same opinion.

We regularly set aside time for pro bono assignments for organizations we are passionate about, such as MSF (Médicins Sans Frontieres) and Yannenga.

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Get better, as professionals and as an organization

Are you willing to invest in your staff to achieve high-performing and prosperous employees in an efficient organization? Research shows that employee engagement directly affects a range of results for the company. Companies and units with committed employees:

are more productive

are more profitable

performs better quality at work

get more satisfied customers

have fewer accidents

have lower sick leave